Artesanal D+2 FIM

The fund’s objective is to obtain medium and long-term yields above the CDI Over, through active management and by exploring transactional opportunities in the financial market, such as arbitrage with shares, Futures and ETFs, Long&Short, Financing with Options, among other strategies.



  • Initial Date: December 8, 2008
  • Target Audience: Investors in general.
  • Anbima Rating: Free Multimarket.
  • Initial Minimum Investment: R$ 100.00
  • Minimum Trading: R$ 100.00
  • Minimum Balance to Remain in the Fund: R$ 100.00
  • Withdrawal: D+2 (two business days after withdrawal request).
  • Management Fee: 2.00% p.a.
  • Performance Fee: 20% over surplus of 100% of the CDI.
  • Tax Regime: Long term**
  • Management: BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros S.A. DTVM.
  • Custody: Banco BTG Pactual S.A.

**This fund will pursue the tax treatment for long-term funds. Returns will be subject to semi-annual withheld taxes of 15%, on the last working day of the months of May and November of every year, and will be treated as an anticipation of the tax due. Upon withdrawal, an additional rate is applied depending on the term of the investment: • 22.5% on investments held for up to 180 days • 20% on investments held from 181 to 360 days • 17.5% on investments held from 361 to 720 days • 15% on investments held over 720 days.

Fund Date Quota (R$) Day Month Year 12M Inception NAV (R$)
Artesanal D+2 FIM - - - - - - - -

Profitability Chart