Arpoador FIC FIM CP

The fund’s objective is to invest in a diversified portfolio, comprising directly or indirectly of different subordinated shares in FIDCs specifically for the credit market, seeking a return greater than 100% of the CDI Over.

  • Initial Date: May 15, 2015
  • Target Audience: Qualified Investors.
  • Anbima Rating: Dynamic Multimarket.
  • Initial Minimum Investment: R$ 50,000.00
  • Minimum Trading: R$ 25,000.00
  • Minimum Balance to Remain in the Fund: R$ 50,000.00
  • Withdrawal: D+366 (three hundred and sixty-five calendar days plus one business day for financial settlement).
  • Management Fee: 2.0% p.a.
  • Performance Fee: 20% over surplus of 100% of the CDI.
  • Tax Regime: 15% income tax, charged only on gains at the time of redemption.
  • Management: Banco Genial S.A.
  • Custody: Banco B3 S.A.

Fund Date Quota (R$) Day Month Year 12M Inception NAV (R$)
Arpoador FIC FIM CP - - - - - - - -

Profitability Chart